Monday, September 22, 2014
Hello. I never knew Mr. Auletti. He and my father shared the same room in Mather Hospital. I want his family to know that the hospital took wonderfull care of him. We shared the room with Joe during what would become his last week. I learned about his beautiful wife Joan. Please know the nurse's took MAGNIFICENT care of him. Very kind, holding his hand, rubbing his face, talking and engaging with him when he was able. He loved his wife very much. My dad was released on the Thursday before Joe passed. Please know, I spent that Thursday praying the Hail Mary for him over and over. While I never knew him, I kept imagining his wonderful life. I believe God sends people together for certain reasons. I believe, I was meant to be there to pray for him as his hour was drawing near. May God Bless him. May have Rest in the Peace of the Lord and may God help his beautiful love Joan.
God Bless you Joe. May you fly peacefully with the angels.