Wednesday, April 8, 2020
When we were kids (12), we remember our only trip to New York City and visiting the apartment of Uncle Joe and Uncle John. The only thing in their apartment was a refrigerator, couch, and surf boards (it seemed). Robin and I asked if they would teach us to surf. We had never seen the ocean or surf boards, but were ready for the challenge! Our Uncles were so cautious with us, they were nervous we'd drown and never return! When we were teens, Uncle Joe got the dog of his LIFETIME! Charlie was his best friend and he would call to tell us about Charlie, New York, and just talk with our mom and dad sometimes for hours. He always seemed to have the time to visit, ask questions, and check in to see how Iowa and everyone was doing. When he FINALLY told us he met Eileen, we were so excited for him! He was excited, protective, and loving. He seemed to settle down after the age of 50 (just a bit!). HOW EXCITING that they married in May of 2019! We loved our Uncle Joe very much and will always remember him fondly for the laughter, the love, and the time he always had to reach out and say "hello." Love and miss you. Prayers and peace to the family and all at this trying time in life. Love to you and may God Bless Joseph Santinello.