Sunday, April 19, 2020
My Aunt Evelyn was a special person for me. She and my Uncle John and cousins Evelyn and Ellen lived a house away from my brother and I. She always had an extra dinner for us and had probably one of the most recognizable laughs and a great sense of humor. She will always hold a special place in my memories and a warm place in my heart. She had a way of knowing when you were in need of a smile or sometimes just a hug. Although, we eventually grew up and drifted away to take on the challenges of life, I always made a point when she came to mind, I would call her and say "hey Aunt Eve whats up?", and she would always say
"oh my Raymond, I love you. Oh my Raymond" and from that point on it was like we were still a house away. Aunt Eve, may you rest in God's hands and in my heart forever.