Wednesday, April 22, 2020
I have been extremely privileged to have known Bud for the last 18 years and I considered him a very dear friend. He was three years ahead of me at Brooklyn Prep, and our common goal of improving the integrity of our Alumni Database brought us closer together with each related project. In one of my initial conversations with Bud, he forewarned me he would explore all avenues using his wide array of research tools with great determination, intensity and resolve so as to provide contact information, where appropriate, for every missing BP Alumnus (Lost Sheep), as well as the date of death of all those who are previously deceased ever since our school doors opened in 1908. Bud literally added thousands of names to our database with a level of accuracy unimaginable by anyone without his superb inner drive, uncompromising dedication and attention to detail. Towards that end, he initiated thousands of phone calls throughout our nation seeking a match of missing alums’ names. His friendliness and captivating personality lent themselves admirably to engaging in lengthy conversations upon striking gold when he found a match. He would contact me and oftentimes teared up while relating to me some of the conversations he had. I can safely say that, “There is no one like Bud,” and the Brooklyn Prep Alumni Association is the direct beneficiary of Bud’s gift to all of us. He shall be dearly missed by all BP Alumni. We express our deep sympathy to Bud's family on their profound loss, while his presence in their lives will be positively felt by all of them.