Thursday, June 4, 2020
Hey Cuz:
Had lots of fun times as young kids out at grand-pa's home out in the country of Long Island. Our fathers would help mixing the concrete around the home and we would all go exploring.
Then as we grew-up, and you and your "twin - Frankie" started driving, I often would tell the story that originally when you both purchased your first cars, one of you bought a Cadillac, the other a Lincoln (both 1950's style). When you talked about them you would talk up your vehicle and talk down your brothers car. It wasn't but a short time later that both of you sold those cars and, lo-and-behold, bought the type of car you brother had been driving. I guess you were both good salesmen.
Haven't seen much of your side of the family, so I can't recall any recent fun facts.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family and loved one. Andy & Carol Catanzaro