Friday, September 4, 2020
Dear Pyatt family,
I'd like to express my condolence and deep regrets for your loss and share where I found comfort and hope at such a time as this when I lost my entire family to this enemy death. I found this in what I read in Jehovah Gods word the Bible at John5:28,29 here we're told that we'll see our love ones again at the resurrection when Jesus bring them back here on earth and we're also told at isaiah25:8 this enemy death will be gone forever. With these scriptures and I'm able to cope with my loss and get through each day now because I now know I'll see my love ones again and so can you. I wanted to share this with you now when hope and comfort is needed in hopes that this will help you also for this is my purpose in sharing this with you at this time and please know I do share your grief and would like to hear from you as to if this helped you in some way. Please feel free to let me know.
I hope to hear from you. Sincerely, GM