Saturday, August 6, 2022
To "Marty's" Family,
My friend, Ed Jaworski, just sent me "Marty's" obituary ... Marty and I went to Little Flower together back in the 50s and saw each other periodically through our high school years. Leaving Brooklyn for college in California, we lost touch, but I'll never ever forget your dad even though we haven't seen or spoken to each other in over 50 years. Only geographical distance was between us. After reading the obituary and tributes, I just want your family to know it was refreshing to read about "Marty" for he was the same when we were younger; and I'm happy to see that he remained that kind, concerned, loving man throughout his life. He was good to me. Always good words, "Don't worry, Richie, it will be ok". We weren't the best of friends, but he was always a good friend and a good person. Good people never die. He'll always be in my memory and heart for he was a good decent human being, back then in our early years and throughout his life (as I've discovered through your tributes). Thank you for bringing his "life" to me through your tributes. "May Tail Winds be always at his back and until we meet again, may God hold "Marty" in the palm of (His) God's Hands"
Richard J. DeBernardis
Little Flower Graduate, Harvard, Ed.M'74 & U.S.'79 & Japan '81 Perimeter Bicyclist World Record Holder