Thursday, October 15, 2020
Aunt Karen was a wonderful person. I remember she worked for Sears for many years. We would go and visit at the house in the Bronx and Brentwood when we were younger. As I goT older we would talk on the phone. She would always laugh and say I remember when you bit me in the belly when I was pregnant. Lol. When I would visit, she would always want to make me something to eat. Lol. We would have daily conversations on the phone and text back and forth. Her last text to me was she having trouble texting. We would talk on the phone but that was a challenge as her hands started to hurt. Pray for me. Yes Aunt Karen, I prayed for you. Thank you for giving me so much love. I know as I was holding your hand on Saturday, when you looked us in the eyes your tears were tears of joy knowing you were on your way to see Uncle Richie. Rest easy Aunt Karen you will always have a piece of my heart. Will miss our talks and text. Love you Always “ Little Kathleen”